Bits: 0 / 32
Bytes: 0
If you are seeing this sentence for few seconds, please reload or export your save!
Here is your exported save. You can share it for reporting bugs.

Unlock files?
Or are you want to perm-unlock files?

Unlock computers?
Or are you want to perm-unlock computers?
Select the file you want to dissolve.
Unlock servers?
Transferring resets all of your bits, bytes, upgrades, files, and computers, but you will gain words based on your bytes. You need to get 160 total computer levels to transfer.

Playtime: 0.0 seconds
Total bits gained: 0
Total bytes gained: 0
Total upgrades bought: 0
Total bits injected: 0
Total files dissolved: 0
Total EXP gained: 0
Total level ups: 0
Total computer level ups: 0
Times transferred: 0
Time since last transfer: 0.0 seconds
Fastest transfer: 0.0 seconds
Total words gained: 0
Total words injected: 0
Total SXP gained: 0
Total servers made: 0
Total server level ups: 0
Here is your exported save. You can share it for reporting bugs.

Quality of Life
Productive Data
Created by Aarex Tiaokhiao

Discord (NG+3 Server)
Aarex's Home

This game has been now archived after few years of development. I am not deleting this for historic purposes. You are feel free to still play this game, but however you will probably not enjoy it.