Factor Num Up
How to play?
Factors increase the production of number multiplicatively and can be stacked. You can increase the factor additively by spending with number. There are a total of 7 factors.
Every factor has level 1 when you start this game, and each costs 10 times as much as the previous one, starting at 10. Each time you spend some of your number to increase a factor, that factor gains a level, but it also multiplies it's price by 1.5^n (base) where n is the number of the factor. When you increase a factor's level, it adds 1 (base) to that factor.
You will be able to buy more factor levels with one click by spending prime. Furthermore, you will be able to automate clicks that you are buying factors. However, the automation has a slow delay to buy but you can make it faster by spending prime.
Prime is the currency which you can earn by embracing the power (in this game, this means soft reset). If you embrace the power, only your number and factor levels reset. To embrace the power, your number must be at least 1e11.
You can spend prime to unlock more features.
With eighth feature bought, you can change Automated Buying settings to toggle automated embraces. There is a value that it automatically embraces when the gain reaches it.
Prime gain formula: (n/1e11)^0.2 where n is your number.
Upgrades are the first feature. The cost of this feature is free; so don't worry, you don't lose prime when you unlock upgrades!
To buy an upgrade, you must spend a certain amount of prime. If you do this, the upgrade boosts your production of number or increases one of the 7 factors in various ways, depending on the upgrade.
Boosts are the fifth feature that comes after "Buy Quantity" feature. You can spend prime to buy fuel, which you can use to change the boost level. Your first fuel is free, the second one costs 170 prime, and each one after that costs 1.7x as much as than the previous one. You unlock more boosts as you gain more fuel.
Boosts won't be affected by changing the boost levels but are affected by embracing.
With seventh feature bought, you can spend more prime to get stronger and more efficient boosts. With the ninth feature bought, you can change more boost levels with one click.
With 15th feature bought, you can store your fuel to the boost with the amount as the requirement. You only choose one and your fuel will be stored when you go to next parallel universe.
With next feature bought, you can do two prime runs at once with different boost weights/challenges. The second prime run in this game is called Virtual.
Challenges are the ninth feature that comes after "Automated Buying" feature. You need to change the boost level to the same amount as the requirement to be able to start a challenge, and you also need to deactivate other boosts. Like boosts, you can unlock more challenges by buying more fuel.
While running a challenge, the boost is negated. If you embrace for a gain of prime that is greater than or equal to the goal, you will be rewarded with 5 extra boost levels only after you exited all challenges.
With 13th feature bought, you can now increase the challenge factor starting at 1 by getting high scores.
Game Breaking
Game Breaking is the 11th feature that comes after "Fuel Pack" feature. Without this feature, you won't be able to complete challenge 4. When you retry challenge 4, you will gain bugs based on the number which increase the production of the number. You won't be able to gain bugs if you exit challenge 4 or the bug gain is less than your current amount of bugs. If you exit challenge 4, the boost is nerfed until you run challenge 4 again.
With 12th feature bought, you can convert your number and bugs to gain half clicks. Half clicks can be spent to buy upgrades that increase the bug gain called "break upgrades".
With next feature bought, you can reset number, factors, prime, boosts, fuel (including efficiency), and challenges to go to next parallel universe by reaching the requirement of the product of half clicks and bugs. Each parallel universe have bigger challenge rewards than the previous one.
With 17th feature bought, you can reset bugs and half clicks to go back to the first parallel universe.
Bugs for next prime formula: (n/1e5)^0.8 where n is your number.
Bug factor formula (challenge 4): n^0.75 where n is your bug amount (nerfed above 10M).
Bug factor formula (non-challenge 4): n^(1/12) where n is your bug amount.
Half click gain formula: (n*sqrt(b)/4e14) where n is your number and b is your bug amount.
Parallel dust
Parallel dust is the 18th feature that comes after "Reality" feature. Without this feature, you won't be rewarded by going to next parallel universe. This will be reset when you go back to the first parallel universe.
Parallel dust gain formula: 10^sqrt(log10((b*c)/r)) where b is your bug amount, c is your half clicks amount, and r is the requirement for next parallel universe.
Multiplier formula for bug gain factor: sqrt(n)